'There is Hope, even when your Brain tells you there isn't' - John Green
Our Story
Our story begins with two people who held a compassion and empathy for people that went beyond every day life. At the centre of our ethos is the belief that underneath everything we are all much the same and at times all feel vulnerable and in need of some support.
As a population never before have we lived with such a wealth of technologies, capabilities and luxuries. But somehow we have come to pay the cost of these in our mental health.
As each year passes this crisis only widens and so began our mission to not only provide mental health services, but to enrich these with a wealth of knowledge and empowerment not routinely provided as part of therapy. A mission to educate youngsters and adults on their brain workings and teach them to get the most from it, bring it to its optimal level of working and above all accept that we are all worth the effort.
Our clinic has grown and with it the clients that stay in touch with us and children who still send us Christmas cards. We are often told how lucky people feel to have found us but in truth we are the lucky ones - it is nothing less than a privilege to be trusted with peoples lives and their deepest feelings. To be invited into their lives at the most difficult of times and to see them grow stronger and happier is the biggest privilege we as professionals can be given..
We love our work - it is not a job to us, it is a vocation and one we intend to continue for many years to come. We hope you will join us on your journey and also become part of ours.
Marcus & Clairey